The GlobalEyes Network ‘Code of Conduct’
Supported by our vision for ISP 360º, GlobalEyes is working to develop best practices to help improve the international student experience. After introducing The GlobalEyes Network to over 30 agents in 21 countries, their feedback provided the groundwork for the GlobalEyes ‘Code of Conduct’. What emerged was a focus on three main areas: student affairs, program management, and business operations, resulting in a collection of industry efficiencies and best practices aimed at improving the experience for all members. The ‘Code of Conduct’ sets benchmarks for GlobalEyes ISP members, and those who meet or exceed the standards will be recognized as Gold Seal Signatories.
All GlobalEyes Members agree to use best efforts toward the following provisions in relation to working with international students:
- All members will have a clear set of policies and procedures related to international students that are either made publicly available or can be shared with agents/parents (upon request)
- All members will have an established discipline policy that includes multiple stages, with communications protocol, and an appeal process. This policy will be shared with agents and international students at the outset of the program
- All members agree to develop policy surrounding the use of alcohol and cannabis which will be clearly communicated
- All members agree to develop policy surrounding the acquisition and use of driver’s licences while participating in the program
- All members will have an established practice when issues arise within host families that includes an appeal process beyond the level of homestay coordinator or private homestay provider
- All members will deliver a high-quality orientation to new students, typically more than one day in length, and will involve more than simply meeting online
- All members will provide opportunities for students to participate in trips outside their district to enjoy a wider selection of Canadian experiences, either included in their fees or with an additional fee, depending on the length or destination of the trip in question
- All members will have an activity program that is included within the program fees paid and that provides activities for students at a minimum once a month
- All members will provide a custodian that is within reasonable distance of all international students and is preferably an employee of the school district/program. Students should be introduced to this person and provided written documentation of who is acting in this capacity for them. Cost of custodianship shall be included in program fees
- All members will clearly state what medical conditions/learning difficulties/allergies, etc. they will or will not accept in their program prior to students completing applications
- All members will develop a policy around active non-discriminatory participation, related to both host families and students
- All members will provide periodic progress reports for students to agents/families that go beyond the standard academic report cards provided by schools. This should include updates on items such as school attendance, extra curriculars, program participation, and homestay integration so families have a more complete picture of their child’s experience in each program
- All members will be working toward the concepts contained within the ‘Global Citizenship Program’ or equivalent. At a minimum, all members will create a program to connect domestic students to international students prior to arrival and on an ongoing basis during the academic year
- All members will set standards for communication with agents that provides at minimum a 72-hour response time on all matters related to program marketing, admissions, or international student affairs. This does not mean all issues must be resolved in this time, it simply means a program representative will provide an update on any issue in question
- All members will set standards for processing of applications that includes a maximum two-week acceptance timeline
- All members will have an emergency number that is clearly stated and can be accessed 24 hours a day when students are present
- All members will provide a clear list of agent appropriate contacts, including email addresses and cell phone numbers
- All members will provide a minimum of two points of contact for students so if one (ie. homestay coordinator, program manager, faculty advisor, etc.) is not available, they will still be able to reach a program representative if they require urgent assistance
- All members will strive for homestay program quality and will operate their own homestay program or use only reputable private providers who are reviewed and evaluated regularly
- All members commit to reviewing host families by entering the home and examining conditions at least once per year. This also applies to members working with third party homestay providers
- All members will have an established plan to inform agents immediately of any major incidents in a homestay or any changes of a student host family. Major incidents or changes will always be communicated in writing – or a written summary will be provided preceding the event
- All members will provide co-validation services for students requiring transcripts co-validated through their embassies
- All members will provide access to a certified ‘Canadian Immigration Consultant’ that has been vetted and approved by the program, and holds required designations to act on behalf of the program
- All members will provide high quality marketing materials that includes video resources (program videos & testimonials, etc.), print materials (brochure, price list, etc.), and a functional website
- All members agree in countries where they have an agent, they will not accept direct entry applications when the host family is being provided by the program
- All members agree to limit the number of students from any country in any one school to a reasonable number that doesn’t create a single country dominance in their program. Diversity of students is key
- All members agree to limit the numbers of students per household, ensuring each student has their own bedroom. No two students who speak the same language shall share a host family
- All members agree to having a clear and well-designed agent contract that states all terms required for agents to work with the program
- All members agree to pay agents commission at some level for student extensions in their program. The agents are expected to continue to provide service for that student and family and, as such, they should be compensated
- All members agree to publish their fees a minimum of one year in advance and not make any changes after that point, unless stated in the student/agent contracts
- All members agree to having a reasonable application fee (less than $1000CAD) and make it refundable in cases of Canadian student visa denial
- All members agree to have a clear refund policy that is published and included in the student/agent contracts
- All members agree to enforce their refund policy after careful consideration of documented emergency situations, and with consideration of actual unrecoverable costs
- All members agree to provide full refunds in situations where the student is unable to travel due to national/global events outside their control (ie. a pandemic), less the non-refundable application fee if the student has already been fully processed and placed
- All members agree full fees are not required for providing a program acceptance and will be due in full a reasonable number of months in advance of class commencement. Application fees will suffice to process a student application and hold their spot in each program
- All members who are fully integrated on the ‘GlobalEyes User System’ platform agree to accept the standard application form for processing student admission
- All members agree fees for airport transfers will be included in the program fees paid before arrival
- All members agree co-validation fees should be clearly stated in advance and collected in the fees paid before arrival
- All members agree any fees for dietary supplements should be reasonable, stated in advance, and collected in the fees paid before arrival. In cases where this could become an issue, a waiver signed by parents is recommended
- All members agree to provide health insurance for all international students through one insurance provider. This should be stated in advance and all fees paid before arrival
- For all GlobalEyes approved agents in good standing, all members agree to accept net fees less the agent commission unless agreed upon in advance by the program and agent in question
- All members will make themselves available for review by GlobalEyes staff, from time-to-time and as appropriate, to assess best-efforts toward implementation of The GlobalEyes Code of Conduct