GlobalEyes Mission to Europe 2024
The third annual GlobalEyes Mission to Europe, October 6th – 20th, 2024, took the team and clients to four countries: Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, and Spain. Canada was represented from coast to coast by six provinces, with the largest number of Mission participants to date.
The group worked with over twenty European agencies, providing intensive agent training activities and agent meet-and-greets. Parent/Student events were also held in each of the four countries on this year’s tour.
“As this was our third Mission to Europe, the quality of what we are able to provide clients continues to improve each year. We were extremely impressed with the responsiveness from agents, and please with the events we were able to hold together. This year’s group was fantastic to travel with, and gives us great confidence to begin planning our Mission to Europe 2025,” said GlobalEyes COO Lauren van Tol.