The GlobalEyes Network Releases its Latest Resource: Custodianship Roles and Responsibilities – A GlobalEyes Handbook

The role of custodian for all international students is one that does not receive enough attention in Canada, despite its critical function for international students to come to this country. The GlobalEyes Network has designed a handbook which examines the role of the custodian in great detail, illustrating why more care and attention should be placed on this process for schools and school boards.

When times are good, there is very little involved in the role of custodian once the student is on the ground in Canada. When times are less than ideal, acting in the capacity of custodian involves a high level of responsibility. This latest resource from our team examines the appointment of custodian, roles and responsibilities, decisions regarding in-house or outside party custodians, and documentation, among other key considerations.

Of this latest handbook, CEO Paul Millman says, “I am relieved we’ve had the opportunity to work with a Canadian Certified Immigration Consultant to prepare this document for the use of GlobalEyes members. This topic, International Student Custodianship, is so fundamental to our industry yet so poorly understood. I hope many programs will be able to reference this handbook in making better-informed decisions with regard to custodianship.”

Check out this, or the over fifty other GlobalEyes Handbooks focused on international education found in GUS Encyclopedia.

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